Trailer of Pokemon go has been launched and since then everyone is talking about it.Every child's dream has come true about catching pokemon in real world . Everyone has some questions about the
game like will there be holograms of pokemon or not.I have concluded some points about the POKEMON GO which will answer all your questions

1.It will be free to download app which will be available on android and ios devices.You can download it from playstore.But it will have in app purchases.

2. Only first 151 pokemon will be included in the game. will be a AR game .all pokemons will appear on screen.

4. You would have to travel real world to catch pokemon.

5.In trailer a device is shown called POKEMON GO PLUS  it will give notifications about a nearby pokemon or an event buying the device is optional but a hardcore pokemon  fan should buy this to get all the fun.

6.Till now we know that there will be no holograms as shown in trailer pokemon will appear on screen like shown at the end of trailer.But in future if they integrate the POKEMON GO with HOLO Or GOOGLE MAGIC LEAP then holograms can be used.

7. You can trade your pokemons with your friends.

8.There will be team battles.In which multiple players will fight a single pokemon like mewtwo.

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