Game Awesome Privacy Policy

Game Awesome reserves the right to use and disclose the collected, non-personal data for purposes of advertising by Admob .
Game Awesome may employ third party ad serving technologies that use certain methods to collect information as a result of ad serving through Services. 
Game Awesome or third parties operating the ad serving technology may use demographic and geo-location information (for more information regarding use of Location Data see below Section ) as well as information logged from your hardware or device to ensure that relevant advertising is presented within the Service. Game Awesome or third parties may collect and use data, for such purposes, including but not limited to, data such as IP address, Device ID, MAC address, installed software, application usage data, hardware type, Operating System information, browser information, unique identifiers in browser cookies, Flash cookies, and HTML5 local storage, Internet and on-line usage information and in-game information. 
The foregoing data may be used and disclosed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the privacy policy of the company providing the ad serving technology.
Some services may include the use of in-game advertisements or brand placement. Such ads or sponsorships will be noted as such within the services.  
Additionally please note that if you “opt out” it does not mean that you will no longer receive advertising. It just means that the advertising you see displayed will not be customized to you and your interests and may be less relevant to you.

Location Data

To the extent Game Awesome makes location enabled Services available and you use such Services, Game Awesome may collect and process your location data to provide location  related advertisements. For example, some add-ons or offers may be available at dedicated locations. The location data is processed  and stored only for the duration that is required for the provision of the location related Services.
Game Awesome may use, depending on the service (1)IP-based location based on the IP address presented by the end-user, (2) fine geo-location data based on coordinates obtained from a mobile device’s GPS radio, or (3) coarse, network-based geo-location data based on proximity of network towers or the location of WiFi networks. 
Your fine, GPS-based geo-location is not accessed without your consent. Notwithstanding Rovio’s partners who are providing location related parts of the Service, Game Awesome will not share your GPS geo-location with third parties without your consent. To the extent Game Awesome makes available GPS geo-location to third parties in accordance with this Privacy Policy, it will be provided anonymously.

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