Why The Eye Of Agamotto Was Chosen To Be The Time Stone In MCU

SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers for Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange exists in its own corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe... but it does have a major contribution to the larger franchise. Much more than just having Avengers Tower in the New York skyline, the movie establishes that the Doctor Strange's famed amulet -- the Eye of Agamotto -- is actually one of the Infinity Stones the Time Stone.Stone was included because the Eye of Agamotto from the comics was just too powerful.

Best Mobile Deals In Comics The Eye of Agamotto is a weapon of wisdom that can radiate a powerful mystical light that allows Strange to see through all disguises and illusions,see past events, and track both ethereal and corporeal beings by their psychic or magical emissions. The light given off by the Eye also weakens a variety of evil mystical beings, such as demons, devils, undead beings, dark extradimensional entities, and even sufficiently corrupt human practitioners of the Dark Arts. Strange can use it to probe the minds of others, project a powerful mystical shield, and create portals to other dimensions. It has also been used to place beings into suspended animation, and it serves as the clasp for his Cloak of Levitation; during the early years of the Defenders Strange used the light of the Eye to levitate objects as heavy as the Hulk and Professor Xavier plus his wheelchair together, or the Thing, with minimal effort while simultaneously magically controlling the cloak to fly himself, carrying a total of at least seven Megagrams (fifteen thousand pounds). The Eye of Agamotto can be used to transport a group of dozens of beings of all kinds and power levels into another point within a universe, as Strange did to combat the threat of Thanos.

Doctor Strange Director  Scott Derrickson stated this in an iterview

"Surprisingly, it was something that just evolved organically. The Eye [of Agamotto] in the comics is too powerful! The Eye is a Deux Ex Machina device -- it doesn't matter how bad a situation Doctor Strange is in, it's like, 'Wait! The Eye of Agamotto! Let me take the Earth to the other side of the solar system!' It could do anything at any time. So we ended up working into the idea that it was used for time manipulation, and that just organically led us to, 'Well, why don't we put the Time Stone in it?' And it worked!"

Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange opts to leave the Eye of Agamotto in Kamar-Taj with Wong (Benedict Wong) -- but it won't be long until we see the incredibly important amulet again. Not only will it surely be with the character in the inevitable Doctor Strange 2 (coming sometime post-2019), but, as noted, as also expect them to appear together once again in The Avengers: Infinity War. Stay tuned for news about both films.

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